Never The Bride at the Festival of Chichester

Never The Bride - pics by Ian Hawkes (1) SUS-150622-082337003Never The Bride - pics by Ian Hawkes (1) SUS-150622-082337003
Never The Bride - pics by Ian Hawkes (1) SUS-150622-082337003
Never The Bride’s Nikki Lamborn has been described as Tina Turner’s and Robert Plant’s love child.She’ll settle for that.

“It’s quite a compliment!” says Nikki who brings her band to the Festival of Chichester for a date at the Chichester Inn in West Street, Chichester on Saturday, June 27 at 8pm.

“We are on our ninth album. We have been around forever – and still nobody knows about us. But once people get to hear us, they usually stick with us! For the first time ever,