
Colin Boylett

2 Park Farm Close

We need your photos of village events. This year, on Saturday July 6, when the summer fete is held in Queen’s Garden, it is planned to have a display, in the Church, of photographs of village events from the previous year. The display will have quite a few of the pictures that I have taken at village events, but we would like to have contributions from as many village residents as possible, more pictures = bigger display.

We also hope to have a display of old photos and postcards of Etchingham and the surrounding area.

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If you have photographs taken by you at any of the events listed below, please loan a print of any suitable images, all photographs will be returned and you will be acknowledged as the photographer.

Pictures of approx. 6 inches x 8 inches would be best, but try and keep the size between 6x4 and 10x8 , as the pictures will probably need to be pinned to a display board, pictures with a small border would be best, or you could put your picture on a mount with a small border.

Please supply pictures from the following events from the last year; The Duke of Gloucester’s visit – Duck Race –Bonfire – Halloween Party – Flower & Dog Show – Jubilee Picnic – Jubilee Fete – Medieval Feast – Opening of the Shop and Deli – Jubilee Wood/Royal Oak planting.

And a few pictures of Snowy Etchingham would be welcome.

Please supply your pictures as soon as possible, please do not leave it until July, it takes time to put a display together, so pictures are needed as soon as possible. Deliver your pictures to Colin Boylett, 2 Park Farm Close, Etchingham. If you have any queries 01580 819532 07941 786244 [email protected]

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Etchingham Branch Royal British Legion, Special General Meeting. A Special General Meeting is to be held at Etchingham Club on Thursday June 6, 8pm.

The meeting is to welcome new members and to vote in a new committee.

Membership applications are welcomed from anyone who would like to join the Royal British Legion, you do not need to have served in the Armed Forces to be a member.

We are trying to arrange for a member of the Welfare Team from Royal British Legion to attend and make a short presentation about the work of the Legion and how funds raised are used.

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Meetings will be held monthly, on the first Thursday at 8pm in the Club and will be mainly social gatherings. We would also like to reinstate some of the previously held annual fund-raising events such as the Tombola stall at the Village Fete and the Annual Dinner.

If you are interested in joining the Royal British Legion or are already a member, please do come along to the Club on June 6.

For more information, phone Shaun or Eleanor Knowles on 01580 819117

The British legion is holding a ‘Poppy Picnic’, “Afternoon Tea in the Park” in aid of the Poppy Appeal. It will be held on Friday June 21, 3pm to 4.30pm. More details to follow, but if anyone is interested in cake making or helping on the day, contact Shaun or Eleanor.

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Etchingham Branch, Bexhill and Battle Conservative Association invite you to a delicious traditional English Tea, at Brooming, Burgh Hill, tomorrow (Saturday May 25), 3pm, by kind permission of Geoffry Lucas.

Tickets £5 each, accompanied children are free and dogs are welcome, plus children’s games and raffle. For more information or to secure your delicious tea email Annette Childs [email protected]

Temporary road closure, part of Sheepstreet Lane will be closed from June 10 to June 14, the closure will for approx. 30 metres outside of Tamarind, this is for essential work on UK Power Networks. Details of the closure and a map are on the Parish notice board outside the post office and on the village website.

The weather was kind for the Darby and Joan Coffee Morning, held last Saturday at Brooklands, and the event was well attended and raised £244. Many thanks to everyone who attended, contributed and those who manned stalls.

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