Homeowner's anger as yobs wreck fence

Angry homeowner Christine Pollin is faced with paying more than £1,000 to protect her North Bersted property from vandals.

Mrs Pollin is prepared to use her hard-earned savings to stop yobs from continually damaging her garden fence.

Their last attack on the boundary structure destroyed two 4ft-wide panels at the bottom of her garden.

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To add insult to injury, the remains of their attack were set alight by youngsters last Saturday evening.

Firefighters had to attend to put out the flames and police officers were also called.

Mrs Pollin is seeking quotes from builders to replace her 6ft-high fence of seven panels with a 7ft-tall wall of breeze blocks to provide a more secure divide from Tamarisk Close, where her three-bedroom terraced house is sited on a corner with Laurel Close.

She said: "I've had enough with what has been happening. It's frustrating and makes me very angry because nothing is being done about the situation.

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"As well as the damage, the lack of a fence makes my property completely open. Anybody can just walk into the back of my property.