LAUREN BRAVO Guide to fighting a cold

There’s nothing worse than waiting for a cold to come out*.

It’s like walking around with a cartoon anvil above your head, ready to drop.

As soon as that scratchy warning niggle at the back of your throat announces itself, you’re a ticking slime bomb – you know you have only minimal days in which to get everything done as a functioning human, before you’re reduced to a clammy, tissue-strewn corpse who can only say “blargggh”.

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If properly planned and furnished with the right pharmaceuticals, I believe having a cold can be a positive experience.

You get to catch up on your ITV2 viewing, not wear a bra for a couple of days and uncover a whole, fresh, new layer of skin on your nose.

So when I felt the warning niggle a couple of days ago, I said “ahoy! What have we here?

A cold on the horizon?” and set about battening down my hatches with all the stoicism of a wizened sea captain (who doesn’t quite know what battening means).