The little terrier jumps to lick my face as I kneel

IT doesn't take long for an empty house to become chill and musty. I have left front and back doors open, and some windows, though it seems even colder inside than out.

A neighbour came in earlier: the house smells lightly of lavender polish and disinfectant, and there is an arrangement of dried grasses and a branch of colourful beech leaves in a vase on the table. It’s probably the neighbour’s vase too; I don’t recollect ever seeing Old Tom with a vase of anything in his rooms.

He is due home today, having had a short unexpected spell in hospital. I have fed and watered his ferrets, and because I could not take his dog home (he does not get on with mine) Stanislaus has been looking after him, walking and feeding the little fellow but leaving him between times in his kennel here, because Stanislaus works long hours and the dog would spend the time more happily in his own kennel than in an unfamiliar place.

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