Oyez, Oyez, Oyez it's marquee time to Pendean House again

It's that time of year when the BUPA Pendean House nursing at West Lavington puts up its marquee for a marathon of summer fun.

The fun began with Pendean’s own summer fete and over the coming month, as usual, the facilities will be used by a wide variety of other organisations in the area for fund raising events.

This year the annual fete was combined with celebrations of the Queen’s 90th birthday and the marquee was suitably decorated in Union flag bunting.

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The fete was opened by Midhurst’s Town Crier John Travers, who is husband to Pendean House manager Jackie Travers.


The crowd was then entertained by Midhurst Musical Mayhem in the colourful form of pupils from Midhurst Primary School.

This was followed by the cutting of Imogen Sheldrake’s hair, for Macmillan, as her friends and family watched her locks disappear.

Her target was £1,000. “The collection made at the fete took £400 and along with the £600 already collected which Bupa will match, she will more than reach that,” said Jackie. “The Midhurst Lions Club were also so impressed by Imogen’s effort that they have agreed to give £1,000 to her.”

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