ARUNDEL residents have said yes to council funding for the town's swimming pool.

Nearly 90 per cent of those who voted in Thursday's parish poll said they wanted Arundel Town Council and Arun District Council to contribute to the ongoing operation of the pool as well as giving money already pledged to refurbish the pool tanks.

More than a third (34.2 per cent) of Arundel's 2,728 registered electors turned out to cast their votes at the poll, which was called for by a group of local electors and councillors who wanted reassurance that town council funding would have the backing of local people.

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"We are absolutely delighted to have had such a strong turnout at the polls.

"We look forward to working with both councils to take this project forward as soon as possible and we look to Arun District Council in particular to make the swimming pool part of their leisure strategy for the future," said Ruth Kerslake, chairman of the Arundel and Downland Community Leisure Trust (ACT), which now operates the pool site.

Residents were asked to answer five questions relating to the main funding issues of re-opening the pool. While the number of people voting yes or no varied from question to question, on average 822 votes in favour were cast with an average of 99 against.

The outcome of the poll will be discussed at a special meeting of the town council leisure committee on Wednesday.