Scaynes Hill

Scaynes Hill newsScaynes Hill news
Scaynes Hill news
Costells Wood: There has been a serious act of vandalism during the past week in Costells Wood. The owners of that section of the wood have worked hard to keep the wood accessible and user friendly for the residents and future residents of Scaynes Hill. The children's' area has been smashed up and one of the pond's has been vandalised. All mindless actions. It is very disappointing and the owners are considering if all their hard work is worth it or whether the land should be sold for development. Knowing how most residents feel about further house building it is up to you all to keep this vandalism in check. Please pass on the word to everyone you know, old and young. To check out the damage go to

On Saturday 18 and Saturday 25 February between 10.00am and 4.00pm people will be working on the hedge line along the A272 from the park to the green box. Any help would be seriously appreciated. If you would like to come and help, no matter for how short a time, then bring gloves and tools (there be will be some). If you would like to help or have any questions please let us know on

Mid Sussex Older People’s Council: A message from the group: - The computer help drop-ins continue to take place every Thursday 11am - 1pm at the Spire Cafe St John’s Church Burgess Hill. Four digital champions – Linda, Brian Mike and Keith - all older people – all vetted and approved – give computer help on a first come first served basis to people with a variety of computer help needs. There are no guarantees that you will be seen – but most times everybody is. Sometimes they are very busy and there is a bit of a wait. In which case, you will be able to buy a drink and chat with others while you wait. There’s also no guarantee that they will be able to solve your problem. However they have access to other “experts” and between them they normally solve the problem.

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SCRABBLE CLUB: There is a Scrabble group that runs every Monday Night in Scaynes Hill. It costs nothing to join or play it’s just for fun. If you are interested please call Anna on 01444 831670 for more details

The Sloop

As always, the quiz is continuing to prove popular and there is a great turn out every week. The cost is just £2.00 per person. On Tuesday 28 February it will be a Shrove Tuesday Quiz. The quiz itself will not be themed but the pub will be supplying pancakes instead of the usual mid-quiz chips. In addition to pancakes at the quiz, anyone who comes down on Shrove Tuesday to eat at lunch or dinner will be offered complimentary pancakes for dessert!

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