Silver for Yapton slimming consultant

Kirsty Cheyne runs two Yapton slimming groupsKirsty Cheyne runs two Yapton slimming groups
Kirsty Cheyne runs two Yapton slimming groups
Weight-loss consultant Kirsty Cheyne has won a Silver Century Club award.

The honour recognises her achievements in helping more than 100 people in the Yapton area to lose weight every week.

Kirsty runs Slimming World groups at Yapton and Ford Village Hall on Wednesdays at 5.30pmand 7.30pm.

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She said: “I am delighted to have received the silver award for the Yapton group. I feel passionately about helping people to transform their lives by losing weight in the same way that I did when I lost 3.5 stone with Slimming World since first joining six years ago.

“Losing weight made me feel happier and healthier and gave me so much more confidence. I became a consultant because I wanted to share that feeling and help other people to achieve the same success I had myself.

“Seeing the members in my group – mums, dads, grandmas and young people, too – reach their target weight is so rewarding and receiving this award is just the icing on the cake.

“This award belongs to the Yapton group’s 137 members. They’re the ones who make our group the success that it is, with their fabulous commitment, the wonderful support they give each other every week, and, obviously, their impressive weight losses.”

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