Warning delay may derail link road

FURTHER delays in a decision over the controversial £100m Bexhill to Hastings Link Road have nothing to do with East Sussex County Council, the authority's head claims.

Earlier this month the Observer revealed a final decision on the scheme would now not be made until after the anticipated general election.

Hastings MP Michael Foster denied it was a political move designed to put off any bad news until after the nation's votes had been counted.

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He said instead it was a result of East Sussex County Council (ESCC) being slow in preparing its case for the recent public inquiry.

That inquiry looked into the legality of a series of Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO) which are vital to the scheme.

Planning permission for the three-mile stretch of road has already been given, but the future of the road relies heavily on the CPOs being given the green light.

Mr Foster said he was confident the road would go ahead, despite the unfortunate delay.

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