Popular comedy forms part of Hawth's new brass season

Brassed OffBrassed Off
Brassed Off
After a successful run in East Grinstead, Chequer Mead Productions presents a one-off performance of Brassed Off to coincide with The Hawth's new Brass Season for 2016-17.

The play takes place in Grimley, a South Yorkshire mining town, in 1994.

As a series of pit closures sweeps through the north of England with devastating effect, the fate of Grimley, a small mining community, hangs in the balance.

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Set against this tense social backdrop, Brassed Off follows the fortunes of the colliery band as its members struggle both for personal and musical survival.

Grimley Colliery Band is a mainstay of the local community and one that its leader Danny cares passionately about. For Danny (Pete Jenkins), it is the music that embodies the spirit of that community and it represents the very lifeblood of its people.

But the spectre of unemployment looms large and not all the band members can share his passion. However their attitude soon changes with the entrance of Gloria (Jade Clarke) granddaughter of a former conductor and childhood sweetheart of band member Andy (Dean Garnham).

The production is accompanied live on stage by Horsham Borough Brass Band.

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The performance is on Wednesday, October 19, at 7.30pm at The Hawth, Crawley. Tickets on 01293 553636 or via www.hawth.co.uk.

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