Alisia, Eva and Zac paint their garage with colourful designsAlisia, Eva and Zac paint their garage with colourful designs
Alisia, Eva and Zac paint their garage with colourful designs

How parents in Worthing, Adur and Littehampton have been entertaining their children – in photos

Parents across the area have found themselves transformed into full time teachers and entertainers since schools and nurseries were forced to close their doors.

But they have certainly risen to the challenge, with readers sharing with us the unique and creative activities they have devised to keep their young ones occupied. Heidi Broad’s children have been getting busy in the garden, carving things out of tree trunks and roasting marshmallows over a fire to go with hot chocolate. Others have been learning about garden wildlife, with four-year-old Sofia-Rose painting her own bug hotel and Peggy-Lee, nine, making a communal bird box to encourage more wildlife into the garden. Many have been keeping active, with Jensen Mills aged 12 following the jumpstart Jonny workout on YouTube every morning at 9am and parent Nick Grice designing an obstacle course in the garden for his three-year-old. There has also been a lot of cooking, with nine-year-old Lewis Dodds from Rustington one of many youngsters giving Jamie Oliver a run for his money by making his own vegetable soup and bread to go with it. Some have taken up the opportunity to brighten up their surroundings, with Alisia, Eva and Zac painting their formerly bland garage with colourful designs. Parents have also been using some wacky props to aid the learning process. Ella and Flynn’s science experiment involved using a packet of skittles, while Marie Hamilton’s children practiced spelling and maths with the help of a nerf gun. View our photo gallery here.