New powers to tackle anti-social behaviour in Bognor and Littlehampton

A new anti-social behaviour public space protection order [PSPO] shaped by public consultation has been finalised for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton. The restricted areas are outlined in blue. SUS-201102-175043001A new anti-social behaviour public space protection order [PSPO] shaped by public consultation has been finalised for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton. The restricted areas are outlined in blue. SUS-201102-175043001
A new anti-social behaviour public space protection order [PSPO] shaped by public consultation has been finalised for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton. The restricted areas are outlined in blue. SUS-201102-175043001
A new anti-social behaviour public space protection order [PSPO] shaped by public consultation has been finalised for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton.

Coming into effect on April 1, the new PSPO will allow authorised officers to instruct people to stop behaving anti-socially or drinking alcohol in public, and alcohol can be confiscated and disposed of.

As unanimously agreed by the Arun District Council cabinet on Monday night, anyone who does not comply with a request given by a police officer or authorised council officer may be issued with a fixed penalty notice or a summons to court.

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It follows on from the previous order made in 2017 and sees the ‘restricted areas’ altered to include additional locations that have been subjected to persistent anti-social behaviour.

A new anti-social behaviour public space protection order [PSPO] shaped by public consultation has been finalised for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton. The restricted areas are outlined in blue. SUS-201102-175054001A new anti-social behaviour public space protection order [PSPO] shaped by public consultation has been finalised for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton. The restricted areas are outlined in blue. SUS-201102-175054001
A new anti-social behaviour public space protection order [PSPO] shaped by public consultation has been finalised for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton. The restricted areas are outlined in blue. SUS-201102-175054001

A district council spokesperson said: “The enforcement of the PSPO is a continuation of the local multi-agency strategy to reduce street drinking and associated behaviours which cause nuisance and impact on our communities.

“Officers will also have the power to direct people engaged in these activities to leave the restricted area for a period of time.”

The order will run for a period of three years, unless it is varied, extended or discharged.

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Jon Carter, Chichester and Arun District Commander, said there ‘has to be support mechanisms’ behind the scheme to deal with the issue and support the people behaving anti-socially.

Speaking at the cabinet meeting, he added: “The people we are talking about are addicted to alcohol. They won’t just stop if you pour it down the drain in front of them.