
Church Matters: There will be Morning Worship at St Andrew’s at 10.30 am, when Richard will be speaking on ‘Facing up to disaster’, whether it be news of a personal nature, a life threatening illness, or a terrorist attack. Richard will explain what God haves to say to us at such times? Then, at St Peter’s at 6.30 pm, it’s Sunday Live, with its fresh focal point. Here, Richard will be sharing some thoughts on the Creation from the first chapter of Genesis, encompassing ‘How did God do it?’

MOPPs today and next Friday: This week it’s Keith Osbourne’s Music for Health, along with some Pirates Day celebrations. Lunch today is cottage pie, with banana and custard to follow. Next Friday, July 31, there’s the Summer Party with Brian Howard. For lunch, you have a choice between chicken curry and chicken supreme, either of which comes with fruit jelly for pud.

Summer Bash: Two days to go until the well publicised Fairfest Summer Bash is here. It’s free on Wood Field, starting at 4 pm, and with live music from 6 pm. There’s a barbeque and a beer (and wine) tent, and a bouncy castle for the kids. Live on the music front will be The Kytes, Dorey the Wise, and Rye Ukulele. It all adds up to yet another enjoyable Fairfest project. Not to be missed!

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Picnic and Clean-up: And almost before the BBQ has had a chance to cool off completely, Fairfest will be back in action again. This time it’s in support of the Cliff Preservation Scheme, and it will be a Picnic and Beach Clean-Up on behalf of the Preservation Trust. This will be not only another fun event but also an opportunity to ‘meet some of the team’ and find out a bit more about what the Preservation Trust team are doing to Save Our Village. The date is Sunday, August 9, and the time from 12 noon to 3.30 pm. You are advised to wear sensible shoes. For your safety you will be asked to sign in at the top and keep to the marked pathway: there will be stewards to guide you. If you would like to come please contact Paul on 812107 or Jennifer on 812476, so they have an idea of numbers who will be taking part. You can picnic on the beach, because the tide will be out, or you can picnic on the cliff if you don’t want to go all the way down. There’s no charge but a bucket donation for Fairlight Preservation Trust.

Parish Council Agenda: Many old favourites are on the Agenda for next Tuesday’s meeting, in the village hall starting at 7.15 pm, especially the Open Forum, always popular at the end of the meeting. Under Land Management, there will be a discussion on parking issues at the junction of Hill Road and Coastguard Lane, another on Southern Water regarding Lower Waites Lane and the response from Consumer Council for Water, plus wildflower verges and an update and costing of the playground matting. Under Financial Matters, there are three items that are somewhat recondite – to discuss the requested increase in Valuation fee by the District Valuer, to approve the payment on account to Wellers Law Group and an item on Pensions Auto enrolment. On the subject of the Country Park New Visitor Centre, there will be an update, and a discussion and the ratification of the offer for representation on the Project Board and the representative’s remit. Why not just be there and find out what it’s all about!

Gardening Club Show: Last Saturday the Club’s exhibitors excelled themselves at their Summer Show with their displays of flowers, plants, vegetables, jams, chutneys, cakes, bread and bug houses, making the village hall, always clean and bright, positively resplendent (in the words of at least one respondent!)

The Club awards certificates for first, second and third places as well as those categories for which cups are awarded. Richard Barron (known as the Reverend Sweet Pea) lived up to his nickname by winning the T.W.E.F.S. Cup for best sweet pea exhibit, the Fairlight Cup for most fragrant sweet pea, and the Bob Liddon Trophy for best pot plant. Keeping pace with her husband, Kath Barron came away with the Dick Ford Cup for the best flower exhibit, the Flower Arrangement Trophy and was joint winner of the Golden Anniversary Cup (shared with Sue Clarke) for the overall best show exhibit with her multigrain loaf. As for Sue Clarke herself, she not only co-ordinated the show, she also collected three trophies, the Jack Hayward Cup for the most first places, the Brian Ardley Domestic Challenge Cup, together with that joint winning of the Golden Anniversary Cup for her multigrain loaf. The Cruttenden family, Anne and Bernard, maintained their winning ways with Anne being awarded the Charles Long Trophy for the best rose exhibit and Bernard gaining the Nick Carter Trophy for the highest points in the vegetable section.

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