
If you are heading: in to Haywards Heath today, Thursday, Mid Sussex Older People's Council are hosting a Silver Sunday Coffee Morning in the Orchards Shopping Centre. They will be serving tea, coffee and homemade cakes between 10 am and 12 noon. The aim of these events is to encourage older residents to get out of their homes and socialise; there is no need to book, all you need to do is turn up and enjoy the company!

If that isn’t of interest: Knit and Natter might be. There is a session of this gentle pastime at the Hardware Shop this afternoon from 2.30pm. It will cost just £2 to enjoy the company of likeminded individuals, knitting and nattering whilst enjoying a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of cake. If you would like more information about this, Christina will be able to point you in the right direction – tel 400212 or call in and see her in the Shop.

On Tuesday evening Handcross Ladies Association: will be meeting in the Parish Hall from 7.30pm. This month sees members enjoying a taste of a variety of local cheeses along with some non-alcoholic cocktails – something that might come in handy over the Christmas season for those who will be designated drivers. There will also be an opportunity to make your own tissue paper flower. If you would like more information about this organisation, get in touch by email [email protected].

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