Hastings MP welcomes £63million Spring Budget boost for leisure centres with swimming pools-SSX

Budget announcement Budget announcement
Budget announcement
Government funding of £63 million is being made available to help leisure centres which have swimming pools through the financial pressures they face.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced in his Spring Budget that funding will be provided for more than 800 leisure centres with swimming pools to help them stay open and thrive.

This £63 million fund will be managed by Sport England with the aim to reduce the pressure on leisure centres that the recent rising energy and maintenance costs have caused.

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Roughly £40 million of this funding will be put into investments into decarbonisation and creating more long-lasting energy efficiency. Additionally, £20 million of this fund will be used immediately to reduce the current pressures these leisure centres are facing regarding day-to-day services and bills.

This funding is essential to helping struggling leisure centres to keep their doors open, and also continue the transformation of pools to an energy efficient future that offers a lasting legacy for communities.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt said: “Soaring bills are hitting us all hard, and community pools have been thrown in the deep end. I know they are loved by millions of people. This vital lifeline will keep them afloat.”

Member for Hastings & Rye, Sally-Ann Hart said: “I am delighted to hear of the new funding for pools in leisure centres.

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"I have been fighting for funding along with Rother District Councillors; Gennette Stevens, Paul Osbourne and Lizzie Hacking, and I am very glad that the Government and the Chancellor of the Exchequer agrees that this is necessary.

"Swimming pools are vital for our communities in Hastings and Rye. Pools are an important way to keep people of all ages active and to bring together our communities.”