MAGAZINE: TV presenter Simon Reeve unveils the Kuoni Worldwide Trends Report 2016

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Latest holiday trends
The annual Kuoni Worldwide Trends report is one of the most comprehensive guides to where Britons choose to take their holidays.

Now in its 36th year, the report looks at the changing face of premium travel – and how politics at home, global news events and television programmes influence our choice of holiday destination.

After more than a decade at the top of Kuoni’s best-sellers list, the Maldives retains its top spot for another year. Thailand and Sri Lanka also top the best-selling destination list for 2016 (2nd and 3rd respectively).

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However, the rising star destinations for the year ahead are led by Japan, followed by Myanmar (also known as Burma), Kenya and Namibia - which have seen the biggest rises in bookings year-on-year.

Another destination making an impact on the travel market is Vietnam, which has rapidly risen up the best-sellers list over the last two years.

Unlisted on the company’s top 30 five years ago, advance bookings for 2016 show Vietnam at 12th position - its highest ever point in the list of best-selling destinations.

Despite 2015 being defined by headlines from the Tunisia attacks to the economic meltdown in Greece, the report indicates demand for worldwide travel shows no signs of slowing.


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Kuoni has seen holidays with an adventure, cultural or touring element as part of the itinerary grow at twice the pace of stay-put beach breaks over the past two years.

Direct flights to Vietnam from the UK have had a huge impact on tourism over the past two years and the country is adapting fast with innovative new high quality resorts.

Cuba, also listed in the top 20 list of best-selling destinations at 8th position has become so popular that demand is now out-stripping supply.

The Maldives also scores as the top location for honeymoon couples.

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Honeymooners are now spending an average of £5,902 in total on their trip, up from £5,743 last year.

Same-sex honeymoons are also on the rise.

Booking patterns for 2016 do reflect a hesitancy to book some destinations, with Egypt dropping out of the top 30, Morocco and Turkey down and even the ever-resilient Dubai and Abu Dhabi experiencing a slight dent in bookings year-on-year.

British travellers are also making the most of the great value in the Eurozone, which overall has seen bookings increase by 30% year-on-year.

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