
Maria Standen, Swallow Farm

Netherfields Horse Ride 2013 - After a stressful start as the secretarys tent blew away and the caterer didn’t arrive on time all went well with the 6th Netherfield Horse Ride, the weather stayed fine for us and all horses and riders enjoyed themselves. This year we had quite a steep ravine, which the riders going down looked apprehensive but as they came up the other side they were beaming, as I was told you have to have a challenge every day in this life! I gave it a miss!

I would like to thank Keith Datchelor Beech Estate, Richard Saunters Ivyland Farm for letting us use the farm and woodlands which makes this ride extra special, also Mick Scott Traditional Country Ways for setting the route and my helpers Steve, Lee who manned the main road crossing and camped out to look after the battered tent and catering van. plus my helpers at the start, Debbie who has just moved back to Netherfield after moving to West Sussex a few years ago, she couldn’t keep away! and Sue for booking in the 74 riders who took part,

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