Rye Observer Comment

ROD Chapman once set the pace as a championship rally driver.

Now the owner of Rye Wharf has become the driving force behind a plan that could help re-generate the area.

Rod, with the backing of Rye MP Amber Rudd, is hoping to unlock the full potential of the Rye Harbour area as one of the most viable locations for new industry and employment in the eastern part of the county.

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Remarkably, during a time of recession and mounting unemployment, Rod is creating new units to keep up with the demand for space at Rye Wharf and the successful Atlas Business Park down the road.

Twenty years ago it looked as though Rye’s future as a working port had dried up.

Due to Rod’s energy and enthusiasm huge vessels, of the type you would be more likely to see in big European ports such as Rotterdam, again started to visit Rye and it has been revitalised.

We have known Rod for many years and a