LETTER: We live in a democracy

Cllr Wendy Alexander (Con) of Polegate, (May 19), clearly wants to silence Norman Baker and the Liberal Democrats.

Thankfully, we still live in a democracy and in the land of free speech and that is why I presume the Sussex Express printed Norman’s letter and his comments from time to time but it’s also why Councillor Alexander’s letter was also published.

It’s clear that Cllr Alexander has been doing some research on the Liberal Democrat candidate. Ignoring the wanton criticism, I would say that Cllr Alexander’s research shows that Kelly-Marie has been dedicated to her aim of entering public service for a number of years. By the way, the Conservative candidate also failed to get elected in Caerphilly in 2010, – polling just over 6,600 against labour of over 17,000. The councillor goes on to call Kelly-Marie a girl; I suppose Kelly-Marie should be flattered at being seen as someone of much younger years. Just to clarify, Kelly-Marie works in the charity sector as a fundraising and marketing professional.

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Having read Law at the University of Kent, Kelly-Marie previously worked as a Citizens Advice Bureau advisor and Union representative. The councillor’s criticism is that the Liberal Democrat candidate is jumping on the Conservative bandwagon on issues like the A27. If anyone is jumping on the bandwagon it’s the Conservative candidate.