Here’s one more place in Bexhill to recycle soft plastics

We can now recycle soft plastics at the Co-op supermarket in Devonshire Rd, Bexhill. (Google Maps) SUS-210819-150458001We can now recycle soft plastics at the Co-op supermarket in Devonshire Rd, Bexhill. (Google Maps) SUS-210819-150458001
We can now recycle soft plastics at the Co-op supermarket in Devonshire Rd, Bexhill. (Google Maps) SUS-210819-150458001
From: Cara Sandys, The Finches, Bexhill-on-Sea

Readers might be interested to know they can now recycle soft plastics at the Co-op supermarket in Devonshire Rd, Bexhill. This includes all flexible packing such as bread bags, crisp and biscuit packets, plastic film etc. It needs to be clean and washed if necessary. It can then be dropped off in the recycling box in the store.

Also, Royal Mail are happy to receive any elastic bands which have been inadvertently dropped by posties on their delivery rounds. These can be popped in any letter box or taken to the delivery office on Devonshire Square.

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