
Telscombe newsTelscombe news
Telscombe news
YOGA: With Natalie Heath every Tuesday from 6pm to 7pm in the Civic Centre. This class is back after the summer break on Tuesday September 4. Contact Natalie Heath email: [email protected] phone: 07738538094.

LIVING LIGHT PILATES: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning in the Civic Centre. £6.50 per class or class pass for £44 (eight classes plus one free session). Contact Nicola Murray-Smith email: [email protected] phone: 07776 457752.

FITNESS PILATES: Every Monday morning and Thursday evening in the Civic Centre. Get fit, tone up, prevent back pain, improve flexibility and posture. Equipment provided, just bring some water. Only £6 per class or £40 for eight weeks. Contact Jennie Palmer email: [email protected] phone: 07825 702775.

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FLOWER CLUB: Peacehaven and Telscombe Flower Club meet on the third Wednesday of each month, 2pm for 2.30pm in the Civic Centre with floral demonstrations. Contact Christine Webb email: [email protected] phone: 01273 586191.

YOGA: Every Monday from 7.15pm to 8.15pm in the Civic Centre. Contact Jane email: [email protected] phone: 07703 167895.

DANCE CLASS: Little Stars Pre-School Dance Class for pre-school children aged 2 to 4 years, every Tuesday 9am to 9.30am at the Civic Centre. £3.50 per session. Contact Anneli Smith 07930 490058.

BINGO: Friday February 22, 6.45pm for 7pm start in the Civic Centre. Boozy Bingo, eight games played for £4, plus an additional Snowball (50p per single ticket) and Flyer game (£1 a sheet). Free glass of wine or cup of tea/coffee at half-time break. Proceeds to Mayor of Telscombe’s charity fund.

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FOOTNOTES: The thunderous pounding of a pneumatic drill in the road outside ensured that the ten more minutes of dozing in bed, I had just promised myself were not to be. Staggering into the kitchen to make the first cup of tea of the day, I glanced through the window and saw the electric company had taken over the road. Signs, vans and trucks abounded. I guessed this was because we have been suffering power cuts recently. Chaplin was also awake and tucking into biscuits and milk, oblivious to the racket outside. Resignedly, I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Immediately two ominous red lights flashed up telling me there was no water available. This was patently ridiculous as I had just filled a kettle and was running a tap in the sink. Settling for a wash at the sink, I then fixed breakfast for myself, then spent some time on the computer finishing off a short story. With the deafening racket outside, this proved impossible, so I switched to phoning to get the shower fixed. A morose voice at the other end, tutted and made that peculiar sucking in of cheeks noise beloved of engineers, when I explained the problem, and am waiting for the price. With a promise to attend that afternoon, I hung up. I have always noted people’s idiosyncrasies and sometimes I have used them to good effect in my profession. For example, have you ever noticed people when buying a car, new or second hand, will always kick a tyre as they walk around it. Why? Then watch people pick up a magazine in a waiting room or anywhere. They will always look at the back and work their way through to the front. Both those little tricks I have used, the first is on film somewhere and the second on stage. The hammering outside ceased and looking through the window, I can see the drill has been supplanted by two men with shovels. With relief I return to my story in the comparative quiet. Chaplin takes up his place on the desk beside me and life returns to normality. Have a good week, go safely where ever your journeys take you.

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