Man spotted with pet squirrel in Hailsham

Video footage of a squirrel on a lead being taken for a walk outside TescoVideo footage of a squirrel on a lead being taken for a walk outside Tesco
Video footage of a squirrel on a lead being taken for a walk outside Tesco
Residents of Hailsham have been surprised to see a man regularly walking his pet squirrel around the town.

A video was taken by Geri Burt, and uploaded to Facebook by her dad, which showed the man walking his pet rodent on a lead outside the Hailsham Tesco.

In the video, Geri says: "The man's got a squirrel on a lead.”

Another person can also be heard saying the same thing.

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Two shoppers are seen in the video approaching the squirrel and stroking it.

Replies to the original Facebook post indicated that the squirrel was in fact Alvin, a squirrel rescued and nursed back to full health by a local man named Mehmet.

The pair have their own TikTok channel – named Mehment and Alvin – and have more than 1000 followers.

The channel is filled with videos of Alvin being taken on walks around the town – including some where the squirrel is carried on top of his owner’s head.

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