Scallop Festivalhelps boost Ryelocal economy

RYE Scallop Festival came to an exciting close on Sunday when teams braved the wind and rain to take part in the What A Load of Scallops Race.

Based around the Ship Inn, on the Strand, teams raced to be first across the finishing line while pushing wheelbarrow loads of scallop shells.

Winners again this year were Rye Rugby Club, who received their award from Rye’s Scallop Queen.

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Sunday also saw an impromptu performance outside the Ship by the Scallop Festival flash mob dancers, set up by former Rye Mayor Lorna Hall.

The Festival provided a great out of season boost to the town’s local economy as well as helping secure Rye’s place on the nation’s culinary map.

Danny Delenio, of Olde Worlde Wines, said: “It was a fantastic week for business, We have never had such a good week in February before.”

Rebecca Webbe, from Webbes at the Fish Cafe, said: “Scallop Week was a breath of fresh air for Rye,.

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