
Telscombe newsTelscombe news
Telscombe news
15K WALK: We're getting together across Seahaven to raise money for the foodbank. Please join us for a 15k walk across the towns on Saturday September 2.

RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION: Telscombe Residents’ Association meet on the first Thursday of each month from 7.15pm to 9.15pm in the Civic Centre. Email the secretary at for a copy of the meeting agenda.

SUPPORT GROUP: Breast Cancer Support Group meet on the first Wednesday of the month from 1pm to 3.30pm in the Civic Centre. Contact

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DANCE CLASS: For pre-school children aged 2 to 4 years every Tuesday from 9am to 9.30am in the Civic Centre. Contact Anneli Smith via Civic Centre, 01273 589777.

BINGO: Today, Friday, 6.45pm to 7pm start at the Civic Centre. Eight games played for £4, plus an additional Snowball (50p per single ticket) and Flyer game (£1 a sheet). Free cup of tea/coffee at half-time break. Proceeds to Mayor of Telscombe’s charity fund.

FIREWORKS: Free Fireworks Display on Telscombe Tye, Saturday September 2 at 9pm.

COUNCIL MEETING: Amenities and Civic Centre meeting on Monday at 7.30pm. If there is insufficient business, meetings may be cancelled. Please therefore telephone the Civic Centre on 01273 589777 to ensure that a meeting is being held (an agenda will be placed on the website).

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Meetings are open to members of the public who are able to ask questions for a 15 minute period at the start of each meeting. Meetings are held in Telscombe Civic Centre unless otherwise stated.

FOOTNOTES: I was in the middle of a dream where the garden was being concreted over and having a collection of shoe box houses built on it by a burly builder, when I awoke with a start to find Chaplin sitting on the bed beside me, staring intently at the bedroom window, his green eyes wide open and, when I reached out a hand to him, his fur was soaking wet. Almost immediately there was a crash of thunder and a streak of lightning that lit up the bedroom and the sound of very heavy rain hitting the window. It was obvious we were in the middle of a massive thunderstorm.

I switched on all the lights and carried him out to the bathroom and dried him with a towel. All my animals have reacted fairly calmly to thunder and lightning. My Golden Retrievers, looking up at the sky for a moment or two and then going back to sleep.

Chaplin, however was quite disturbed and it took a milk and chopped chicken late supper or early breakfast before he relaxed. Going back to sleep with the storm still breaking overhead was impossible both for him and me, so I spent the time watching the dawn come up and relating to him my past experiences with tropical storms during the monsoon season.

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As always my exploits in foreign travel sent him sound off to sleep in my lap. I dozed off shortly afterwards and we both awoke to daylight, the sun, birds singing in the garden and that wonderful smell of fresh rain on grass. Enjoy your week.

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