The Weald School celebrates nine years of Book Awards celebrations

Presenting an award at the ceremonyPresenting an award at the ceremony
Presenting an award at the ceremony
The Weald School is celebrating the ninth year of its Book Award celebrations.

Celebrating its anniversary on Tuesday, February 28, the Weald Book Award is run by learning resources centre manager Jane Fella and English teacher Elaine McKenna. The award brings together a number of the school’s current Year Seven pupils and Year Six students from most of The Weald’s feeder primary schools.

The award not only encourages students to read more, but also supports the transition process that prepares Year Six students for life at The Weald. This year, seven book titles were shortlisted by a committee that is made up of both Weald School and feeder primary school teachers. The books are mostly written by new authors and have been published recently. Titles included The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave, The Uncommoners by Jennifer Bell, Alfie Bloom by Gabrielle Kent, Island by Nicky Singer, The Boy and the Globe by Tony Bradman, My Brother is a Superhero by David Solomons and How to Fly with Broken Wings by Jane Elson.

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During after school book club sessions, students are encouraged to read as many titles as possible and then take part in competition categories that have inspired them, these range from designing a book cover, creative writing, making a film trailer or devising a new character for one of the books. Kiran Millwood Hargrave author of The Girl of Ink and Stars came into The Weald School in January and gave a talk to all the Weald Book Award participants about writing the book and the inspiration she gained from visiting La Gomera.

Mrs Fella said: “It was wonderful to see so many students enjoying and being inspired by the shortlisted books. The standard of entries for the competitions was very high and it became quite a challenge to choose the winners. Thank you to everyone involved especially the authors who were able to be with us on the night. We are looking forward to next year and a new selection of books which we have started work on already.”

Three of the authors visited the school for the awards evening, and one made an appearance via Skype. The awards were hosted by Katie Chapman and Grace Read, who were joined by younger students who introduced each book to the audience. Awards were presented to a large number of students, and the trophy for The Weald Book Award was awarded to Jane Elson.

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