Ukuleles set to go wildat new event in Rye

The recent surge of enthusiasm for the Ukulele seems to have taken the UK by storm.

Now it has prompted the first Rye Ukulele Festival.

Rye Ukulele Experiment, who meet every Tuesday at the Queens Head in the Landgate, Rye, are inviting other local (Sussex and Kent) bands to join them to perform, then join in with a mass ‘Big Busk’.

“The take-up so far has been fantastic for our first year and we are expecting even more bands to sign up soon” said Lorna Hall who manages Rye’s website.

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“Plans for the day, apart from the individual group performances, include a barbecue and bar supplied by Jonathan Breeds at the Cinque Ports pub. We are also planning a stall where Ukuleles, plectrums, kazoos and tuners can be purchased. But the highlight will be the last session when as many Ukuleles as possible will join together and perform a dozen songs in unison”, Justine Barber of the Uke group added.

Ian Burford, the Experiment’s leader, commented: “The Ukulele is a relatively easy instrument to master and with only four strings makes it simple to learn enough chords to play songs very quickly. The Rye Ukulele Experiment motto is share ~ learn ~ enjoy and that is what we hope all visitors to Rye for the festival will do.”

Full details are being added to the website. Please see for further information about the forthcoming event.