This is when you should put up your Christmas tree in 2020 - and when to take it down

There are two types of people when it comes to the Christmas season.

It’s a yearly struggle between those who live and breathe the most wonderful time of the year, and the Scrooges who grudge festive celebrations.

We all know someone who fits the former description.

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They listen to Christmas songs all year round, and if it were socially acceptable to put up a tree in summer, tinsel and all, they would probably do it.

Especially after an unprecedented and tough year, many people are looking forward to Christmas as an escape from reality and are keen to put up their trees as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, there are a few Christmas traditions in place that mean trees should be put up and decorated at a very specific time of the year.

If you want to avoid judgemental looks from your neighbours, it’s probably best to wait until then to make your house a festive haven.

When should you put up your Christmas tree?

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Traditionally, Christmas trees should be put up and decorated at the beginning of Advent, an important period of the Christian calendar.

Advent marks the weeks before the birth of Jesus, and this time is supposed to be used in preparation for Christmas Day.

Advent always begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and this year that falls on Sunday 29 November.

That means it actually is acceptable to put up your Christmas tree and decorations in November if you’re one of the early birds.